Microsoft May Cut-Off Rival AI Chatbots from Bing Data
In a move that could significantly impact the AI chatbot industry, Microsoft has threatened to cut-off other companies from using its search engine, Bing’s data for their own chatbots. Bloomberg reports that Microsoft has warned two Bing-powered search engines to stop using Bing’s search index as fodder for AI chatbots, or risk being cut-off from the data.
While the Bloomberg report did not reveal the names of the companies involved in the dispute, it’s worth noting that several search engines, including DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, and You.com, rely on Bing’s search data from Microsoft to enhance their search engine capabilities.
DuckDuckGo, You.com, and Neeva have all launched AI products of their own, which could be the reason for Microsoft’s recent move. The Verge notes that with the emergence of new capabilities and versions of AI bots, everyone seems to have an AI chatbot these days. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Microsoft’s Bing Chat are just a few examples of the tech innovations of 2023.
As a leader in the AI chatbot space, Microsoft’s decision to restrict access to Bing’s search index data when it comes to the AI field is understandable. While Microsoft is fine with how Bing’s data is being used currently, the company has drawn the line at allowing its search index data to be used as fodder for AI chatbots.
The move could mean that other search engines and chatbot providers will have to look for alternative ways to enhance their AI capabilities. With countless tech giants vying for supremacy in the emerging field, it’s not surprising that Microsoft would take steps to limit access to its data.
In a bid to stay ahead of the competition, Bing recently launched the ability to generate images via AI. As the AI chatbot wars heat up, it remains to be seen how this move by Microsoft will impact the industry in the long run.